Part timers

Whilst in education, I recommend all to get a job, even school pupils as there is nothing better than having your own money.

The reality of working is at some point in your life you’re going to have a job you either don’t enjoy or isn’t exactly glamorous. But with part time work it is very much, trial and error.

There is almost always a job going at a restaurant nearby, because these are jobs which many do not enjoy. I’m not saying it is the worst job but you must have thick skin to deal with rude customers and complaints. Some people just like to moan, some do it for a discount, but the best thing to do is smile, listen and repeat the problem to ensure the customer you are taking their complaint seriously and then offer a solution.

The bonus to working in a restaurant is you can make some extra money by receiving tips, improve your customer service skills and experience.

I would recommend school pupils to start off at a restaurant as employers would be happy to take you on as the minimum wage is much less, and once it is on your CV you’re more likely to get another job as you have customer service experience.

Another job that is easy to find is on the clubbing scene, whether it’s promoting, bar work or cloak room attendant. Again, you must be able to deal with rudeness as alcohol makes many people act in a strange way, but overall it is an enjoyable job as you can socialise, dance and learn how to make cocktails which is cool (depending on the venue). You can also make decent tips if you’re able to keep a positive attitude throughout the shift without letting the tiredness get the better of you.

Retail jobs are fairly difficult to achieve as experience is required most of the time, but how is one meant to have experience without a first chance. Therefore, you’re unlikely to get a job straight away at a store you love (if it is well known such as Topshop or River Island) as they probably do not have the time to fully train new staff.

So start off with boutiques, or convenient stores, when in education and just wanting to make some cash, anything goes. I once worked in Dominoes, it was so embarrassing because of the hat but it allowed me to buy what I want and go where I want.

Any who, back to retail, working with clothes or shoes, can be very enjoyable as you get the first dibs on delivery so some times you might spend your wages before even receiving them; guilty!

There is always something to do when working in a shop, whether it is assisting customers with their shopping needs, unpacking delivery, resizing clothing or just having a natter with one of your colleagues.

Of course, there is many more jobs but this is just a post on my experience.

Bar staff problems

I’ve recently started working in a nightclub, it’s not as fun as you’d think. I’m going to kick this blog off with bullet points of things that quite frankly piss me off whilst working (excuse the French).

1. I have a name tag for a reason, my name is not ‘oi’. If your too twisted to read it just wait, one does not serve rude people first.

2. The bar is busy, you’re getting a round in, why wouldn’t you ask your mates what their drinking before your turn to get served.

3. You know the score, I’m pouring the drink you’re going to pay; holding up the queue by calling a search party for money after I’ve made the drink is not ok.

4. Nightclubs are loud, hence why I’m wearing ear plugs. That doesn’t give you the right to put your arm round me and loudly slur your order right into my ear. Personal space please.

5. Oh so you think because you’re a regular you’re too good to order like the rest of em.
Waving your glass, grinning whilst nodding for a top up won’t get you an immediate drink mate.

6. Call me picky but another pet hate is fanning your note in the air like I’m going to run over to £5 when theirs customers who have been waiting longer.

7. Public toilets are so ‘ewww’ but trying to master the hover over the seat after one too many doubles, rarely works.
mistaking the girls for the boys toilets is not ok.

8. If you are just ‘closing your eyes and embracing the tune’ like the below image. Unfortunately the only thing I’ll be serving you is water.
